Thursday, 25 October 2012

Naresh --

Barack would like to thank you personally for all you're doing -- but now's the time to take the next step in your support. 

If you chip in $5 or whatever you can, you'll automatically be entered to come to Chicago, meet Barack, and be right up front on Election Night.

I'm looking forward to finishing the campaign back in Chicago, our home, where it all started.

Here's the thing: There's a lot more work to be done, and Barack and I need you to get on board and take ownership of this campaign if we're going to be celebrating on November 6th.

Chip in $5 or whatever you can right now, and you'll be automatically entered to be there. You and a guest could be flown out and put up for free -- give it a shot:

Thank you for all you've done -- and for working even harder from now till Election Day,


P.S. -- The campaign will take care of airfare and accommodations. All you have to do is enter.

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