Tuesday 6 November 2012


                                 Cordially Invites You At Release of Book
           Not A Joke To Make Love - 99 % Having Sex
                                    A Guide To Man-Woman-Relationship
                By Ashok Arora Former Secretary Supreme court Bar Association
                         On 8th November 2012 At 4 Pm At Press Club New Delhi
  Chief Guest: Ram Jethmalani MP former Union Law Minister
Guests of Honour
                                    Ajeet Cour President SAARC Writers
               M Vardarajan former Chairman Minority Commission IAS retd
                                    Ram Bahadur Rai Veteran Journalist
                             N K Singh Secretary Broadcasters Association
                                 Anil Anand Secretary Press Club Of India
The most important requirement of any healthy relationship is that there should be unity of thoughts and deeds. By unity of thoughts and deeds I mean there should be a broad consensus between the two about the purpose of life, philosophy of life and role one is to play to make life meaningful. As they say birds of the same feathers flock together. The converse is also true birds of different feathers cannot flock together.  Excerpts from this book
Best Regards

R K Atri
Ph +91- 99588-83111 / 9868610518

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